Chapter 7

Unlimited Possibility

True Magic

Have you noticed?


Harvest Moon

International Day of Peace



Unlimited Possibility

Nature’s Paintbrush

A More Enduring World

cherry blossoms and blue sky

True Magic

August 11, 2013

I asked a question about magic — true magic.  Immediately the answer arrived where the question was asked.  This is what I heard:

“A lot of feminine energy wants to put a leash on magic.  But magic won't allow it.  Magic has a golden bridle that belongs in the hands of the true goddess because that's the way magic wants it to be.  Otherwise, magic wants to sleep beneath a tree — in order not to be persuaded to behave uselessly.”

The leash causes congestion, blocked energy, a dulling of light.

Inherent within the golden bridle is balanced and radiant energy.  The golden bridle creates unprecedented well being and expansion on all levels — both physical and non-physical — into cosmic realms of understanding and delight, rooted into Earth experience.

The implications — both personal and cultural — are huge.

Have you noticed?

August 29, 2013

Have you noticed?

Have you noticed the confines of your reality, as you have known it/experienced it, melting away?

Have you noticed that your awareness is slipping into new worlds and expanding into new perspective — perspective which knows no limitation?

Have you noticed that ordinary reality, “business as usual” — whatever “usual” once was — no longer is?

Have you noticed your memory wires waking up across time, and that which was formerly not-fully-perceptible now comes into view?

Have you noticed that you can, through sensing and feeling, discover your origin (beyond genealogy) and — in knowingness — dance in Source energy and Earth experience at the same time?

Have you noticed that, from one sunrise to the next, your world can expand in ways unimaginable — and may have done so, quite to your surprise?


September 12, 2013

Whimsical inspiration can take us beyond the boundaries of our usual linear parameters.  It is we humans who have set these parameters, often inflexible.

When we are reminded that creation/creativity is full of vitality and exuberance, the world — our world — can beckon us into new possibilities.

Wonder and delight and playfulness and are all conversant with whimsical.

When something that may be perceived as whimsical catches our attention, it is our discernment that tells us where — on the spectrum of whimsical — we are located.

Recently, a sunken garden caught my attention.  My mind snapped a photograph of a photograph — apparently a New Zealand location.  I thank whomever created this whimsical garden because to me it is an invaluable reminder of intelligent playfulness — whimsical at its best.  Whimsical, at its best, generously offers a unique perspective which adds delight to the experience of being a human on Earth.

Harvest Moon

September 18, 2013

In the light of the moon, how do we count the harvest?

There is the inner harvest.  And there is the outer harvest.

Do we warmly welcome both, and perceive them clearly?

What have we chosen to gather in?  And what have we chosen to count?

In the light of the harvest moon, what do we see?

International Day of Peace

September 21, 2013

It is the last full day of Summer today, as the International Day of Peace is being celebrated.  As one season gives way to the next, and there is considerable focus on the ideal of peace, I’ve been reminded of some dialog in The Goddess and the Rainbow Bridge a dreamtime journey narrative which was written and recorded in 2001.  Within that narrative, the words which follow are spoken by the goddess, “Crystal”.  They are taken out of context here, so that the context can widen from personal to global.

“Some of you may feel that peace will be bland and without passion.  You have not yet understood the energy of passion combined with peace within yourselves.  This is where true magic begins.  It is a beginning.  I can only hint at what is possible.”

I am also reminded of the song “We Are Everyone”.  That song of intention and celebration was written in 2005.  The words I’ve added to the International Day of Peace logo are the chorus of “We Are Everyone”, a song which has been drummed and sung more times than I can count.


September 22, 2013

Here in New England, the point of change from Summer into Autumn is this afternoon.  As one season flows into the next, I'm aware of cycles — the cycle of seasons, the cycles within each day.

Nature's cycles, though constant, have inherent within them infinite variety.  The uniqueness of each sunrise, or sunset, speaks eloquently to those who notice.  Autumn colors, in this temperate climate, vary from year to year.  Although we never know what winter will bring forth, we do know that every snowflake is unique.  We also expect that Spring will arrive with new blossomings — and the joyful display will be a one-time event, not quite the same as the previous year.

For me, all the razzle dazzle inventions of mankind — as delightful as some of them are — do not speak to my heart as clearly as Mother Nature.  We ourselves are inextricably connected with Mother Nature, whether consciously or not.  If that connection is in our conscious awareness, we are open to the wondrous discovery that we and Mother Nature can dance beautifully together.

In older cultures, this dance with Mother Nature was considered to be in the realm of the  goddess and the elementals.  Today, this dance with Mother Nature is the dance of balance — harmonizing within ourselves the knowingness brought forth from both the feminine and the masculine.  The goddess aspect simply points the way.

Now is the time, on beautiful Earth, for the delights of balance.  May the new season be a landing place for these delights — within the ongoing dance with Mother Nature, and with one another.

Happy Autumn, in the Northern hemisphere; Happy Spring, in the Southern.


October 07, 2013

Civilizations come and go as do the people who comprise them.

The recording of what-has-been is selective — that which cultures, and families, choose to reinforce.

Where is truth?

Our experience of the present is enhanced by context, an understanding about the foundations from which our present time experience springs.     

Ultimately we can be responsible only for our own microcosm — our own soul's journey through the layers of time.

In western cultures the idea of past lives has been heretofore largely dismissed as not real.  Jesus' teachings about past lives were eliminated by the Christian church.

Most young children arrive with a pure awareness of who they are (and have been) which is then superseded — before the age of four — by the concepts and limitations they are taught, thus stifling their inner knowingness.

Remembering that which has been forgotten allows for a more mature and fulfilled perspective about one’s being.

Experiences during layers of time have been necessary for the beauty of clear understanding to evolve.

Unlimited Possibility

October 16, 2013

Earth experience has been very limited compared with what is possible. Limitation, however, is melting away as solar vibrations and frequencies continue to increase during the current solar activity cycle.

These higher vibrational frequencies create a new energy pattern — in our bodies and in our awareness.

That which may have seemed desirable, though out of reach, now emerges into possibility.

Are your concepts about what is possible changing, thus creating space for new openings?

Are you feeling new energy, new enthusiasm?

Are you feeling a new level of well being, not quite describable?

What your life experience can be is left to your ability and willingness to imagine beyond your familiar parameters.

What do you personally choose to do with your unlimited potential?

The unlimited potential we enjoy and demonstrate smooths the path for others to experience unprecedented well being and delight on Earth.

“The unlimited potential we enjoy and demonstrate smooths the path for others to experience 
unprecedented well being and delight on Earth”

Nature’s Paintbrush

October 18, 2013

Nature’s paintbrush, which so eloquently expresses in New England’s Autumn foliage, has given us ongoing visual changes for several weeks.

Snapping a photo of a particularly lovely maple yesterday, I saw that the opportunity to do so would soon disappear.  The steady accumulation of leaves beneath the branches of the fiery maples and the more subtle golden russet oaks is clearly noticeable as each new day begins.     

Autumn has a built in poignancy.  We know that nature’s canvas, now so lovely against the sky, will soon change yet again with the onset of the quiet season.  The often mild daily temperatures will soon be a memory.

Our Autumn panorama will be lighted this evening by the Full Moon with a Lunar Eclipse. Visually this eclipse will be the least dramatic of the three kinds of eclipses.  In some parts of the eastern U.S., this relatively subtle eclipse will be visible briefly.

To me, all of this — Autumn, Full Moon, Lunar eclipse — can be seen as a metaphor for change, changes within us and around us.  We ourselves are affected by nature’s cyclical patterns — the seasons, the moon cycles, the solar cycles — and we now are within particularly strong currents.  We can flow within these currents to consciously create changes within ourselves and for ourselves — or we can be buffeted by these changes.  The choice is ours.  If we align with opportunity, there can be a magical tone to the days ahead.

I myself am intensely feeling change — all of it positive.  It is a feeling that has been building for some time.  Savoring the Autumn colors, while also absorbing the light of the Sun and the light of the Moon, I find that the energy-of-now is indescribably unique — uniquely lovely, and beckoning.

Nature’s paintbrush is multifaceted.  I am trusting that Nature’s rendition of mid-Autumn into early Winter will hold new delights and the magical tone will continue.

A More Enduring World

October 30, 2013

Everywhere around me I see that we humans are limited by our concepts and our belief systems.  Some of us are less limited than others — perhaps much less.

How do we move beyond our limiting concepts?

(1) Become aware of the possibility.  (2) Open to the possibility.  (3) Choose the possibility as an intention.  (4) Place our attention on our intention.

Limitation is held in place by density, the vibrational density of the collective human consciousness.  That density is currently being bombarded, quite literally, every day by new higher vibrational frequencies incoming to Earth.  This is not a "new age" or "new consciousness" idea.  The understanding is completely supported by science and the nature of our own biology as energy beings in form.

I have been writing about this movement beyond limitation for more than 20 years, beginning with Journey Through an Open Door — writing and practicing.  Thus, all of my writing has been — and is — experiential.

We each have a choice.  We can choose to embrace the possibilities inherent in an atmosphere of less density and participate in life at a new level of awareness and well being.  Or we can choose to hold on to our limiting beliefs.  Given the current flow of energy on Earth, this choice is likely to become increasingly uncomfortable.

I hope you will decide to move beyond your limiting concepts, whatever they may be, and enjoy the pathway into the “new garden Earth”.  All indications are that the "new Earth" is a more enduring world than the one from which we are now emerging.

“Awaken from the dream of limitation"

from the songs "She is Calling”, 2004 and "Medicine Woman”, 2010)